How to take care of your Bonsai in Monsoon

How to take care of your Bonsai during Monsoon
- It can rain continuously for days at times & if water remain logged in pot, it will affect your bonsai tree. So check the soil & increase its drainage capacity if required.
- Some plant needs less water like Addenium, so ensure that they do not remain exposed to rains for long. Give them 2/3 showers at the most this monsoon, for that how long it rains in desert.
- All ficus variety loves rain, so if you have kept them in a place, where they cannot get drenched, it time to change their place.
- Do not fertilize your plants in monsoon, let the rain water do the needful
- Keep your plant a feet above ground, such that in case of water logging they do not get submerged
- Do not water your bonsai, unless it has not rained for 2/3 days at a stretch & you think that it will not rain for next 2/3 days.
- contributed by Ramesh Sinha, - 9924332267

How to take care of your Bonsai during Summers, in and around Ahmedabad, Gujarat:
- Water Bonsai in evening, when sun sets
- Water twice a day, if bonsai is kept under direct sun
- Put gravel, brick bites on top of soil such that less earth is exposed to direct sunlight
- If you see sign of sun burn on leaves, put you bonsai in a semi shaded place
- If things go out of control, it times to take an experts view

- contributed by Ramesh Sinha, - 9924332267